Sunday, November 17, 2013


As a lover of tea since a young age, I thought it was inappropriate that I did not have a tea-cozy for my tea pot.  As a lover of dinosaurs since a young age, I thought, why not combine these passions?

I present my s-tea-gosaurus

It's not 100% was I imagined when I started this project, but it was a good first draft I think.  I cut two basic arced shapes based on the size of my kettle and I pinned to two sides together inside out.  Then I made triangles out of craft foam, inserted them between the two sides, pointing towards the inside, so that when I sewed the edges together I would also be sewing in the bottom of the triangles.  I made a little heat and tail and filled them with stuffing, and again, inserted them between the two sizes of the cozy, facing in, so that they would be sewed into the main stitch.  Run the whole thing threw the sewing machine and turn inside out.  Voila!

*Edit: My Dog Heidi also liked the s-tea-gosaurus and decided to pull it, along with a pot half-full of tea, off the counter, shattering the pot, spilling the tea, and then chewing off Mr. s-tea-gosaurus's head.  Back to the drawing board.

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